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Friday, December 5, 2008


Well as you all know Iowa did not leave Boston with a win. It was a close one though. Also the corwd at BC was pathetic, there were less at that game than I think the Iowa women get. They play in an arena that also houses a hockey rink.

Josh and I had a flight back to Iowa at 6 on Wednesday, the day after the game. We were able to eat some lunch with a friend. A former intern with Iowa, now works at BC, so we were able to catch up with him. We also managed to fill our time by drinking more Dunkin Donuts coffee and another trip to Fenway park, this time to shop a bit. We were also able to eat some lunch with a friend. A former intern with Iowa, now works at BC, so we were able to catch up with him.

The weather back home was not looking good, it was snowing. We weren't sure if we would be able to get home. However things seem to work out and we landed in the frozen tundra at about 11:30. It took forever for us to get out of Atlanta (our connecting flight) so that made us a little late into Moline.

We were greeted by a car that was snow and ice covered. Josh being the smart one his is, didn't have the ice scraper in his car. So we heated the car up to try to melt the ice from the inside, and I remembered I had an expired gift card,so I began scrapping the ice from the windows. This was a big weather change for us, it was 60 in Boston on Monday. We finally got all the ice and snow off, or enough to drive and we made our way home. We counted 15 cars and trucks in the ditch on the way home, those were the only ones we could see.

We rolled into our little home at about 1:30 am, only to wake up and go to work the next day. It was a good trip. Not sure when we will get out there again, if ever. Who knows, the red sox will be calling josh's name soon enough.

As for pictures to my blogs, well you will just have to wait. Josh's computer didn't like my camera card while we were in Boston. So I am getting them loaded slowly.

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