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Sunday, April 18, 2010

twins open 41210

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picture time

Hi people, here are some pictures from our whirl wind tour of the new Target field in MPLS, a nice new ballpark. Too bad the REd Sox lost that day 5-2. But if it is your opening day the home team should win.

Josh and I left Sunday afternoon after the Iowa Softball game, and we crashed at my friend Kate's house for the night, we were even greeted with Twins peanuts. kate has a swanky apartment!

We woke up did some exploring and then made it to the game. There were approximately 20 red sox fans around. The twins did a good job of keeping the tickets for themselves.

We had great seats in the right field. The ball park is super nice. It was also a super nice day to go to a game. We were so close to catching the first home run ball in the park, it was exciting! We were also seated under the flag that they raised for the national anthem.

After the game we booked it to kate's apt, then piled the crap in the car and headed home, it was a quick trip.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

the story

here is a link to a story about the previous post

We're famous!

Well sort of. Josh and I went to the Minnesota Twins home opener in their new baseball park, Target Field to see the Red Sox. (More details & pictures coming soon)

The big news is the first homerun was hit about 4 rows behind us. So close. However a deservign kid caught the ball.

Enjoy the following video. Josh, Kate and I are in the video.

At about the 50 second mark they pan out, and Josh is in the bottom right corner clapping, he has the red shirt on with the hat, i am to the left in a red shirt and kate is next to me in a blue top with hat. IT was awesome.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Photo Albums

It appears that the blogger doesn't like more than one album on the page. SO click on the blog entry title on the left and you can access the photos.

technical difficulties?

ok so not sure what the problem is with the picture albums, hopefully it is not permanant

Up to date

SO does that bring things up to date? I think so....

Josh is now busy with baseball and softball. He umpires the baseball and he is one of the administrators for Iowa softball games. then he goes right into sports camps. There is no down time for us.

However we are going to MPLS next Monday to see the REd Sox play the twins on opening day for Minnesota and their fancy new ball park.

Easter was kind of lame for us this year. Josh had to work softball, I stayed home, Amber stayed and went to Josh's family, but Mom and dad had a party in Guttenberg.

Ted, Brenda and the neighbors came over and had a huge easter dinner with them. they also made a day trip to the potosi brewery, where dad claims the "beer sucked." I guess he tried 6 kinds.

I did manage to make some eggs.

Do your best....

and forget the rest! Ok so I decided to start the P90X workout. I am doing the lean program, which is all about creating muscle to blast off the fat! This program is intense. I am always super tired and have to eat a lot of protein, which has been an adventure.

For those not familar with p90x it is a workout program that is 12 dvds. Each dvd is a workout. The system is designed for muscle confusion. There are 3 ways to do the program, lean, classic, and doubles.

I thought to mix up the working out I would try this program. The whole shin splint problem is never going to go away. I did the physical therapy thing and well, the only way for the pain to go away would be to sit on a beach and do nothing for 3 months, and i can't afford that.

Anyway I am on week 3, and it's kicking my butt. The program is designed in phases, and the first phase has a major emphasis on protein, ahhh. Lots of fun.

Going waaayyyyy back....

In february Amb and I celebrated our birthdays.

I had a family meal at HuHOt, a mongolian grill, sooo yummy!!!!! And there was cake! One of the guys at work made me home made cinnamon rolls they were soooo yummy!!!

Amber invited us out to Thunder Bay for brunch

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Watch out!

So a close family friend, who is like a sister to me, is 18! wow! I babysat her starting at 6 months old. DO you know how old that makes me feel? So at the end of february we helped her celebrate her 18th b-day. She celebrated by getting her belly button pierced, and with candy cigarettes.

(real cigarettes are super gross!!)

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Hockey time!

We then went to hang out at a hockey game in the Quad Cities. that is where the mallards play. It was fun, we met up with amb, josh, and a friend Kelly. There was an awesome fight during the game, punches and everything. I bet if I was sitting closer I would have had blood hit me.

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We went on a visit to Georgia in Early March. I posted a slide show of the trip from Shutterfly. Hope you can all enjoy. I will try and post pics that way as it is less time consuming and maybe I can get things loaded faster.

georgia 2010

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Ok, I'm workin on it!

Ok, so this is a process. I see I can link my shutterfly pictures directly, so that makes it easier for me.

Orange BOwl trip was posted as a test.

thanks...bear with me, happy Tuesday

Orange Bowl 2010

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