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Sunday, April 18, 2010

picture time

Hi people, here are some pictures from our whirl wind tour of the new Target field in MPLS, a nice new ballpark. Too bad the REd Sox lost that day 5-2. But if it is your opening day the home team should win.

Josh and I left Sunday afternoon after the Iowa Softball game, and we crashed at my friend Kate's house for the night, we were even greeted with Twins peanuts. kate has a swanky apartment!

We woke up did some exploring and then made it to the game. There were approximately 20 red sox fans around. The twins did a good job of keeping the tickets for themselves.

We had great seats in the right field. The ball park is super nice. It was also a super nice day to go to a game. We were so close to catching the first home run ball in the park, it was exciting! We were also seated under the flag that they raised for the national anthem.

After the game we booked it to kate's apt, then piled the crap in the car and headed home, it was a quick trip.

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