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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year....

Or it's the most freakin cold time of the year. That's right it is cold here in Iowa, I think the high yesterday was 9 degrees or something like that, and of course that doens't include the windchill. Also, right now it is snowing, possibility of 6 inches. Good Times here!!

Josh and I continue to be busy. He continues to referee basketball games and work the Iowa events. However this week he gets a break from the Iowa events as it is finals week.

Have you all finished your holiday shopping? Or have you started? I don't even have a good start, it seems every year Christmas sneeks up so fast. I also say every year I need to start Christmas shopping in July, then I would be done.

Last Friday night was the Iowa/ISU basketball game. Iowa won the game, and clenched the Hy-Vee Cy-Hawk trophy. Halftime was filled with many events. Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher and Shawn Johnson were there to help raise money and donate to Iowa flood relief. They ponied up $50,000 and Governor Chet Culver was on hand to receive the money. I of course took many pictures and have shared some with you on here. Members of the football team were also honored for their academic achievement.

Sunday we had the strangest weather. It was about 55 degrees at noon and at 10 pm the temp had fallen to about 7 degrees. In that time we had some ice, rain, sleet and snow. Josh also helped out that day with a youth basketball tournament.

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