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Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So recently there have been some questions regarding using sidewalks. Are bikes supposed to be on them, are you not supposed to walk on the sidewalk but rather in the road???

After the game on Saturday, we are almost home and on the main street near our house there are 4 girls walking in the street. So Josh slows down, not one of the girls gets out of the way, so he honks. Three of the girls move to the right side of the street, however one of the girls continue to walk down the middle of the street. What is it with people????? Weren't they ever taught any sort of street rules in school?? Do they think they have the right of way, what happens if they get hit? Probably the car drivers fault. So if there is a sidewalk to walk on use it! If there is no sidewalk please walk on the side of the road opposite of the flow of traffic. Also use a crosswalk if it is available, and look both ways. If pedestrians follow the rules it allows drivers to follow the rules. Same with bikers.

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