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Monday, July 13, 2009


Well now that it is July 13th, I better post about the 4th of July. Nothing like being on top of things!

So the 4th of July started on the 3rd for us, we went to the Coralville 4th-fest to see Dennis DeYoung of Styx perform his hits, however he only performed for about an hour and a half. He was alright.

Then for the 4th we planned on going to the parade in Coralville, what else were we going to do? SO we woke up to a fabulous cloudy, rainy day. What the heck lets go sit in the rain. So we pulled into the Starbucks parking lot to get some coffee, threw on our rain ponchos and got our chairs, and went to sit in the rain as we waiting for the parade to start.

We noticed the lack of parade goers, usually the streets are lined with people, and you have to fight the kids for the good candy. This year there was so much candy that went to waste, who wants to pick it out of the rain gutter in the street? Also we scored some sparklers, and a whole case of bottled water.

Lets just say we stayed dry for the most part, those ponchos need better protection for the sides, we had wet shorts. However we should have worn pants, it was cold, more like Memorial day.

That night we decided to go to Hills to see their firework display. SO we got to Hills just about dark and pulled into some housing development, put it in park and set up our chairs, Jolene joined us. We had brought along our sparklers we got at the parade, and lit them all up, like little kids. Notice we are wearing coats and sweatshirts.

It was then time to watch the fireworks, they were a good display.

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