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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a windy city triathlon

Wow it has been over a month since I last updated everyone with the haps here in the big city. I guess I just got busy and lazy at the same time.

So lets see, I will write about the most interesting thinkgs that have went on or things that we have done in the last month or so.

We headed to Chicago at the end of August, I believe it was the 28th or 29th for the weekend. My friend Kate was going to do the Triathlon. She does the sprint version, which is enough, heck just running is enough. Anyway the tri was early Sunday morning, so we thought we would catch a Cubs game on Saturday.

We got to Wrigley and still needed to get tickets so we stopped at some ticket store and were able to get 3 tickets together. The purchase even came with free beer, it was nice and cold.

When we got into the stadium, it was also free t-shirt day, woohoo!!

We found our seats, then found some ball park treats. What is a game without a hot dog, peanuts and a Mai Tai. After a Grand Slam by the Cubs, they pulled out the win, they played the Mets that day. It was slightly cool in the ballpark, but a good day for baseball.

We had to make it an early night becuase of the 3:30am wake-up call. WE found supper at a place called Miller's Pub. They had everything frot hot beef, to pulled pork to prime rib. They had an eclectic menu.

I couldn't sleep all night, I guess I was ready for Kate to get to the tri, it also didn't help that some drunk folks who were neighbors to our motel room decided to be loud at about 2:30.

I was up and ready to go, Josh slept in an joined us later. Kate just had to check in and get her bike in the transistion while it was open. There were 9300 people registered in this Tri. So we walked down near the lake, got checked in and prepared for the tri.

The swimming portion was first. Swimming was 1/2 mile in the harbor along Lake shore drive. Josh showed up after Kate had started and brought me some well needed coffee.

Then it was time to bike. The way the race was situated it was hard to see Kate leave off on her bike. She was quick. The ride was 13 miles long.

then to end the race it was a 5k run. We managed to cheer her through the finish line. She did a great job!!

After the race, we all relaxed listening to a band they had. It was then time to part ways, Kate had to drive back to MPLS. We grabbed our things from the hotel and some Dunkin Donuts coffee and were on our way back to IC

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