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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Early Morning Phone Calls

It's 4:40am on a cold Thursday Morning, the phone is ringing. HMMMMM, ok who the hell is it? Thanks for caller ID, it is the Iowa City Police Department. OK!?!?!? Did someone steal my car, should we not leave the house, are the neighbors ok, who died?

So Josh returns the call, apparently they were looking for the property owner of 525 Iowa Ave. A rental house that my family used to own. WE haven't owned that place for about 6 years, yes SIX years. Josh told the police person who the current owner was and that was it. However it still has me wondering, why do you call a property owner at 4:40am??? Is the house on fire? Was there a murder in the house? Vandalism to the property? Why are they calling me?

The only question I may have the answer to is why they would be calling me. When I lived in that house, all the while back I had made a few calls to the police. There was the time someone stole a cool looking light fixture from the porch, or the time the holiday lights were stolen, then there was the time when all the residents thought we heard a noise from upstairs, oh and that one time a dude broke into my place. Yep all my electronics were un hooked and sitting on the couch, and when they caught him he was on his way to use the bathroom. So I guess the police have record of me living in the apartment.

Only time will tell what they really wanted, I want answers!!!

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