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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

Why is it when you are checking out at Wal-Mart you have to wait 20 minutes in a check out line? There are maybe 25 cash registers and only 8 of them are open. Also the express lanes are filled with people buying more than 12 items, while regular check out lanes are filled with people buying a years supply of groceries. Even the self check out lines are insanely long, probably becuase they don't work as designed. I am either going to have to shop at 1 am or Wal-Mart is going to have to adopt the Menards policy, which is if there are more than 2 people in line they will open another check out lane. This is just another reason Menards is sooooo great! They just need to start selling everything.

Other than those complaints, it is HOT! As you can see though Halen loves laying in the sun.